001Good morning? Good morning!

Good afternoon?

Good afternoon!


How old are you?

 I am (four).


What is your name?

My name is (lanlan)


See you tomorrow?

See you tomorrow.


Are you OK? 

Yes, I am OK.


Hi, how are you?

I am fine, thank you.

008Excuse me!
009Bye-bye mum / daddy.
011Excuse me, what is your name?
012See you next week.
013You are beautiful!
014You are clever!
015You are good!
016Great! / Good! / OK!
017Very nice!
018Happy New Year!
019Happy birthday!
020Merry Christmas!
021Thank you very much!
023I am the winner!
024I am the first!

025You are beautiful!
026You are welcome!
027How beautiful!
028How funny!
029Wow! It’s so nice!
030It’s a nice day!
031Oh, my god / goodness!
032Wow! It’s so nice / lovely!
033Nice girl / boy.
034You are so sweet.
035You look very smart.
036I wish you a Merry Christmas!
037I wish you a Happy New Year!
038Miss Li, you are very beautiful!
039I love you!

040I am sorry.
041Never mind.


Are you thirsty?

Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

043I like fish / beef / lamb.
044That is delicious apple / banana / orange.
045Have some water / tea / milk.
046Help yourself.
047What’s for lunch / breakfast / supper?
048Brush your teeth.
049Wash your face.
050Show me your nose / hands / head.
051I am hungry.
052I am full.
053Have an apple.
054I washed my hands.
055I'm on duty.
056I want more rice / vegetable.
057I spilled my soup.
058There is no tissue paper.
059I want to go to the toilet.
060Can I go to toilet?
061What kind of juice?
062I like orange-juice.


Are you tired?

Yes, I am tired. / No, I am not.

064Be quiet.

Let’s go to sleep. / 

Let’s go to bed.

066Get up.
067Wake up.
068Here you are.
069Let’s start / begin.
070Hand in hand.
071Wave your fingers.
072Touch your stomach.

What’s wrong with you? 

It’s nothing.

074Where are you going?
075You are fat.
076You are slow.
077You are fast.
078Don’t talk.
079Come here. / Come on.
080Over there.
081Listen to me.
082Follow me.
083Put on your coat.
084Wait for me.
085I am here.
086I don’t know.
087Close your eyes / mouth.
088Open your eyes / mouth.
089Close the door.
090Open the door.
091Return to your seat.
092Be careful.
093Hurry up.
094Look at me.
095Let me try.
096Let’s watch TV.
097Hand up.
098Look, look.
099Help! Help!
100Don’t worry.
101What time is it?
102Where are you?
104Come down.
106Watch out!
107Keep quite.
108What are you doing?
109Wait a while.
110It’s warm here.
111Let’s play together.
112Let’s dance.
113Go on.
114Sing a song.
115Come on guys.
116What’s that?
118Hang on for a while.
119Enjoy yourself.
120Danger! Keep off!
121Don’t be afraid, it’s safe.
122I am busy now, see you later.
123What shall we draw today?
124I have no paper.
125I have finished.
126I can’t see.
127I can’t write my name.
128I like toys.
129He’s hitting me!
130He takes my toy / book.
131Excuse me. Can you do my shoes?
132I want to play with Jim.
133Let’s play home game / house.
134Do I need keep the toys?
135I want to go to playground.
136We want to play hide and seek.
137Don’t push me.
138Teacher, he pushes me.
139Show me.

140At ease! Attention!
141Stop running!
142Let’s go.

Go straight ahead,

turn left / right.

145Check it out.
146I miss my Mummy.
147I don’t feel very well.
148I was sick yesterday.
149I’m better today.
150I have a cough.
151I have got a headache.
152I got cold.
153My teeth hurt.


What time is it?

 It is (five o’clock).

155What is this? This is a (table)
156Sure, no problem.
157I bring my VCD.
158Pick up me early.
159Is it your book / chair / table?
160Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
161I am happy / angry / sad.
162I am cold / hot / warm.
163May I come in? Come in please.
164It’s cold / hot.
165Where is my book? It’s here.
166Who is that? It is me.
167I can sing / dance / fly / jump.
168My dear mother / father.
169I have a book / bird / dog.
170Is this a flower / cat / cow?
171I am tall.
172I am short.
173I am cool.
174It’s a sunny / cloudy day!
175It’s raining.
176Where is the restaurant?
177How far is the bank / hospital?
178What a mess!
179Hello, can I talk with Mr Smith please?
180I need some money to buy a car.

181Hi! / Hello!
182Good morning.
183Hello, nice to meet you.
/ Nice to see you.
184How are you? I am fine, thank you.
185Please say bye-bye to your mummy
/ daddy.
186Come in, please.
187Come on. / come here, please.
188Take off your coat.
189Please put on your morning check- card.

190Are you ready?
191Let’s start.

Who can tell me? /

Who can answer me?

193Look at me.
194Look at the blackboard.
195Be quite. / Keep quite.
196Sit well. / Sit nicely.

Put up your hand. /

Put down your hand.

198Stop talking.

Is that clear? /

Do you understand?

200Read with me.
201Return to your seat.
202Stand up. / Sit down.
203Listen carefully.

Listen to me. /

Listen to the music.

205Say it in English.
206Do you know?
207Let’s play a game.

Let’s write /

draw something.

209Let’s dance / sing.
210Let’s listen to a story.
211Let’s listen to the tape.
212Let’s watch TV / a play.
213Let’s say it together.
214What did you hear?
215Who has finished?
216Who want to try?
217How do you know?
218Which one do you like?
219Put your hands on your knees.
221You are right.
222You are so good!
223Paint it in red.
224Open / close your book, please.
225Don’t be afraid / shy.

226It’s time for morning exercises.
227Let’s go out / outside.
228Let’s go downstairs.
229Let’s play on the ground.
230Line up.
231Two line.
232At ease! / Attention.
/ Eyes front. / Hands down.
233Let’s go.
235Count off .
236Hurry up.
237Be careful.
238One by one.
239Be slowly, take easy.
240Don’t move.
241Let’s have a race.
242Hand in hand.
243Make a circle.
244Jump on one foot.
245Fall in. / Fall out.
247Wonderful! / Great!
248You are the winner.
249You are the first.

Are you tired? /

Let’s have a rest.

251Let’s go back to the classroom.
252Don’t push other people / children.
253Stop pushing.

254Use soap to wash your hands.
255Dry your hands with your towel.

Please go to the toilet /

bathroom, boys go first.

257Turn the tap off, when you have down.
258Show me your hands, are they clean
/ dirty?
259Are you thirsty? / Are you hungry?
260Please take your cup.
261Have some water.
262It’s time for lunch.
263Don’t spill your foods on the table.
264Please finish it.
265Would you like some rice or soup?
266Do you want to more?
267Eat a little more.
268Don’t play with your foods.
269Eat properly.
270Are you full?
271Wipe your mouth.
272Rinse out your mouth.
273Please keep the table clean.
274Let’s go out for a walk.
275Is it delicious?

276It’s bed time.
277Take off your clothes / coat / trousers / shoes.
278Fold up your clothes / coat / trousers / shoes.
279Go to sleep.
280Close your eyes.
281Cover yourself up.
282Put hands into the quilt.
283Wake up. / get up.
284Put on your clothes.
285Dress yourself.
286Fold up your quilt.
287Do your buttons.
288Tuck your shirt into your pants.
289Comb your hair.
290Please eat some snack.
291Daily conversation.
292Excuse me.
293Wait a minute.
294What are you doing?
295Can I help you?
296What’s wrong?
297Why are you upset?
298Don’t cry, I will play with you.

Leave me along. /

Don’t bother me.

300I am sorry.
302Look out.
303Keep away.
304You are very clever!
305How beautiful your clothes are!
306Clap your hands.
307That’s a good idea.
309Pick it up.
    视频 高频 拼读 口语 01 数字 02 字母 03 颜色 04 形状 05 水果 06 蔬菜 07 动物 08 昆虫 09 鱼 10 花 11 鸟 12 食物 13 小吃和甜点 14 饮料 15 食物量 16 一天的部分 17 一周的日子 18 一年中的几个月 19 四个季节 20 春季 21 夏季 22 秋季 23 冬季 24 天气 25 自然 26 生日 27 感情与情绪 28 五种感官 29 疾病 30 健康 31 手势 32 爱好 33 操场 34 学校建筑 35 学校的目标 36 学校科目 37 房屋 38 卧室 39 厨房 40 卫生间 41 服装 42 玩具 43 家电 44 家具 45 小工具 46 工具 47 家务 48 家庭 49 生命的阶段 50 身体的一部分 51 头发 52 职业 53 运动 54 建筑 55 地点 56 交通工具 57 旅行 58 乐器 59 万圣节 60 感恩节 61 圣诞 62 婚礼 63 日常生活 64 动词 65 形容词 66 介词 67国家和节日 68数词 69世界 70货币
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